Best Exercises For Cellulite


The Best Exercises For Celluite

This is how you get rid.


I am so glad that you are looking for best exercises for cellulite because that tells me that you are ready to do what it takes to get rid of cellulite even if that means get a little sweaty, get a little dirty, or breathe a little hard.

Most people aren't ready for this.

Most people never get to this stage, they would rather do the lazy expensive route that never works anyway, and leaves them still needing a way to get rid of cellulite.

...BUT first.

You can exercise till the cows come home, if you eat crappy then you won't be able to get rid of cellulite because you will be killing your every efforts.

So, I can't only tell you the best exercises for cellulite without also making that disclaimer.

You don't want to sabotage your cellulite eliminating exercise routine with bad dieting.

3 Tips For A Great Cellulite Diet

1.  Eat lean protein with every meal.

2.  Eat lots of fibrous veggies.

3.  Don't eat full meals within 2 hours of bedtime.

Now we can talk about exercise that eliminate cellulite.  Below are the 3 best exercises.

3 Of The Best Exercises For Cellulite

1.  Running Intervals.  This is not jogging, but running.  Running creates a greater demand on the muscles of the legs, butt, torso, and really full body.  This demand or "good stress" causes them to respond positively and you'll create more lean muscle.  This is key to increasing your metabolism and burning fat (cellulite = excess fat).

Also running intervals keep the heart rate up and make you burn more calories per amount of time you work out.  Total calories burned plus an increase in lean muscle is the goal in a successful exercise to get rid of cellulite.

2.  Squats.  I love squats.  They can be done with body weight only, with a squat bar, with kettle bells, or dumbbells.  They are so many different ways to do squats, but the reason they are so important is that they work every major muscle in the lower body.  This is were most of your cellulite exist and mostly due to lack of muscle in those areas and of course a consistent excess of calories.

3.  Stairs.  Doing a stair workout is challenging.  Once again the stairs target your hamstrings (back of leg), your thighs, and your butt.  Plus this workout gets the heart rate up and you can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time while developing strong lean muscle.

If you do these exercises and use the cellulite diet tips that we gave you earlier you will eliminate your cellulite.

You can mix and match these exercises to your hearts content.  Play with them... you will have so much fun and most importantly you will see results.

Grab a partner and go for it.

Make sure that you exercise for at least 20-30  minutes per session and get in a 5 minute warm up and a few minutes to cool down.

In this post you were given the 3 best exercises for cellulite and we even talked about cellulite diet tips.  Now the ball is in your court... if you want to get rid of cellulite, these tips will help you.

Check back soon for more post on exercises to get rid if cellulite.

Talk to ya soon,

Kutey Kondertack