Best Exercises For Cellulite


Stomach cellulite is totally embarrassing.  So, we are going to totally help you fix that problem right now, and for good.

What's cool about these exercises is that they won't cost you a dime.  You don't have to take some kindof miracle cellulite pill, or powder, or get some insane and expensive cellulite removal surgery.

One question you are probably having is how long will it take to see results?

Well that entirely up to you.

You can lose 2-4 pounds of cellulite safely every single week, week in and week out, but you have to stick with the program.

You have got to stay focused and you have to be consistent.

There is also more than just exercising in a complete program to get rid of cellulite.

The most important factor, at least at first, could possibly be your diet to get rid of cellulite.

If you don't make changes to your diet then you will either totally sabotage all of your exercising or not have the right kind of nutrition to aide in getting rid of stomach cellulite.

4 Exercises To Get Rid of Stomach Cellulite

1.  Jogging.  Oh yeah, I bet that one through you for a loop eh?  Yeah, I thought so.  Getting rid of cellulite in your stomach isn't just about doing exercises that target the stomach only, it's about doing exercises that also target the whole body.  Doing workouts that burn fat period.  As you start to burn more fat, you will see that you are also losing and burning fat (cellulite) that is being stored in your stomach.

2.  Sit Ups.  I know I know, no one does sit ups any more right.  Athletes do, the military does, real fitness and bodybuilders do.  Why is that you think?  Because they are not dead.  If you do them wrong yes, they can be a little harder on your back, but you can always get a mat.  I love full sit ups because they work your full range of motion of your stomach and the whole core region, including stabilizing and support muscles.

3.  Crunches.  Yeah, you knew that one was coming. lol.  Can't have a complete flat tummy conversation without talking about crunches.

4.  Hip Hop Abs.  I love this new little TV workout DVD.  What I love about this workout is that you not only workout your abs, but you exercise your full stomach, and get in a great cardio workout.  You can burn a lot of calories in one of these workouts and that's the key.

I hope that you liked these 4 exercises to help you get rid of stomach cellulite.

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